Request Info

Lisa Beal | Kathleen Donohue | Yueng Djern Lenn | Chris Roman | Sebastiaan Swart
lisa headshot

Lisa Beal

University of Miami

Lisa Beal is a Professor of Oceanography in the Ocean Sciences department at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine,  Atmospheric, and Earth Science. She is an expert on the Agulhas System of currents off South Africa and has brought recognition to the key role this System plays in a warming climate through her publications and international leadership.




Kathleen Donohue

University of Rhode Island

Kathleen Donohue is a PI on the QUICCHE project and Oceanography Professor at the University of Rhode Island.  Kathleen and URI-partner Professor Chris Roman will deploy CPIES, EM-Apex floats and the WireFlyer.   Kathleen seeks to answer how Indian Ocean-sourced waters spice the Atlantic  by quantifying how the eddying circulation in the Cape Cauldron stirs and mixes water-masses with origins from the Southern, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans.  







Yueng Djern Lenn

Bangor University


I lead the Bangor University team who will be making microstructure profiler measurements of ocean turbulence on the QUICCHE cruise.  These measurements are critical for determining how salt and heat are mixed vertically by ocean processes.








Chris Roman

University of Rhode Island

My research focuses on high resolution acoustic and visual seafloormapping and mid-water data collection using underwater vehiclesystems.  In general I try to live on the fence between oceanographyand engineering.  I'm an engineer by training, with degrees inmechanical and ocean engineering, but I'm really motivated by creatingsystems to better understand the ocean. Robotic tools and platformsare transforming how we do oceanography.For QUICCHE I will be running the Wire Flyer vehicle.  We tow thisvehicle behind the ship to create detailed hydrographic sections,which are essentially vertically slices through the ocean that tell ushow the water is structured.   This lets us see how water masses inthe upper ocean are interacting, mixing and transporting energy. 









Sebastiaan Swart

University of Gothenburg

Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. More info at https://sebswart.com 

Cruise responsibilities: Group leader for the University of Gothenburg, contributing to overall science planning as co-PI. Responsible for autonomous platform sampling strategy, responsible for Seaglider on board testing and deployment. 

 I am fascinated by the Southern Ocean and its dynamics, especially the fine scale ocean. But I have always wanted to investigate better Subantarctic-Subtropical interactions, such as how heat leaks between the Agulhas Retroflection region to the ACC. Being in the Cauldron is great to start investigating these processes. 




Dallas Murphy



Dallas murphy is author of 9 books, a mix of fiction and non-fiction, the latter about the ocean. He has participated as outreach writer in twelve oceanographic cruises, three with PI Lisa Beal in the Agulhas Current.


Lorian James Delman






Estel Font

University of Gothenburg

Cruise responsibilities: On board testing and deployment of two SeaExplorer gliders. 

Estel’s PhD is on submesoscale shelf dynamics and their potential for ventilation in the Gulf of Oman using SeaExplorer gliders. I’m interested in using novel technologies to observe the ocean.




Isabelle Giddy

Post Doctoral Research Fellow, University of Gothenburg

Cruise responsibilities: Assist in testing and deployment of autonomous platforms. Science planning for glider mixing deployments. 

I recently completed my PhD where I used gliders to observe and understand turbulent processes that mediate the flux and transport of heat and freshwater in the ice-impacted Southern Ocean. I am curious about the response of ocean mixing at centimeter scales to atmospheric and intrinsic oceanic forcing and the relationship of these processes to large scale circulation and climate. I am excited to observe mixing in the midst of the multiple scales of ocean processes that occur in the Cape Cauldron, one of the most turbulent regions in the world’s ocean.



Ali Johnson

University of Rhode Island

I'm a PhD candidate at URI working with Kathy Donohue. My role in QUICCHE is to help with the CPIES deployment and I hope to use the data for the third chapter of my thesis. 






Martyn Roberts

Postdoctoral Researcher, Bangor University 

I am a postdoctoral researcher in physical oceanography at Bangor University. I’ll be joining the QUICCHE cruise to make ocean turbulence measurements using the vertical microstructure profiler (or VMP). Why do I love the ocean? It’s enigmatic – always hiding neat physical phenomena, which often turn out to be important in ways we could have only imagined. I love discovering new things, and showing them (off) to the world!









Rachel Sampson

University of Miami 

I am a first year PhD student with Dr. Beal. Our focus is to characterize the submesoscale field in the Cape Basin with a focus in lateral variability, calculate eddy fluxes, and conduct analyses to correlate mooring, float, and glider eddy statistics with satellite-derived parameters. 








Sijing Shen

Bangor University 

I am a graduate student in QUICCHE project, concentrating on long-term impact of Agulhas leakage into the Southeast Atlantic on the Benguela Upwelling ecosystem.
Passion for the ocean: The ocean contains various phenomena which are awe-inspiring but hard to see with our eyes. I feel fulfilled to scientifically harness and visualise these phenomena, showing the world the beauty of salty water.







Paloma Cartwright

University of Miami 

I am a first year PhD student in the Beal Lab studying Ocean Dynamics. I will be assisting with the QUICCHE project while hoping to gain experience in the field of oceanography to implement in my research on Gulf Stream Variability and sea level rise.








Johan M. Edholm

Research Asst., University of Gothenburg

Cruise responsibilities: On board testing and deployment of autonomous vehicles, particularly the two Sailbuoys. Specialises in understanding ADCP measurements from USVs. 

Growing up in the Gothenburg archipelago, I’ve had a congenital respect and curiosity for the ocean, seeing for example, the harsh conditions as storms approach land, and the calmness and clarity of the water on a nice spring day.



Sam Fredriksson

Researcher, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, and University of Gothenburg

Cruise responsibilities: Assist in deck and glider operations. Has expertise in mixing to contribute to cruise microstructure-based observations 

My PhD was related to air-sea interaction using Direct Numerical Simulation to study the micro turbulence in the vicinity of the surface.  I´m here excited to study this very energetic region as such and how its mixing influence the large scale circulation spatially and temporally, and how this knowlege in turn can be used in models.






Cedric Guigand

Sr. Research Associate, University of Miami 

Mooring and drifter technician.

Love to watch sunsets an walk barefoot on the beach. 








Eduardo Jardim

Sr. Research Associate, University of Miami 

Eduardo leads the OTECH shop at University of Miami. He is charge of mooring and deck operations, from design to deployment, including building and instrument calibration.







Guillaume Novelli

Asst. Scientist, University of Miami 

My main responsibilities in QUICCHE are to prepare drifter experiments and help with collecting, analyzing, and visualizing all cruise-related data. 






Bastien Queste

Asst. Professor, University of Gothenburg

Not on cruise but collaborating with QUICCHE

I’m an oceanographer, looking into how physics of the ocean create the patterns we see in the biology and chemistry. 

I first studied fish farming and then ecotoxicology, before broadening to biogeochemistry. Over time I transitioned to physical oceanography to explain the patterns I saw, which is how I became an assistant professor in physical oceanography.

